Job Spotlight

Shine a spotlight on your Job Opening to enhance visibility.

The plans & features referenced within the New & Coming Soon section for upcoming features and enhancements is an evergreen document and will most certainly evolve as we continue to learn from our users. The forward-looking product roadmap does not represent a commitment, guarantee, obligation, or promise to deliver any product or feature or to deliver any product and feature by any particular date. It is at the sole discretion of EzHire Cannabis and therefore customers should not rely on this roadmap to make any purchasing decision.

What is it?

Job Spotlight enables employers to highlight a job offering to create enhanced visibility to candidates in the EzHire Candidate Database

How does it work?

Admins will be able to select a Job Posting to "Spotlight" via the Posted Jobs section of the EzHire Platform. 

Why does it matter?

Increasing the visibility of high-priority Job Postings can be the difference in finding the perfect candidate. Job Spotlight is designed to help Hiring Managers to increase candidate flow and find their perfect candidate. 

When do we get it? 

Job Spotlight is currently under development with a projected Q3 release. 

Who gets it? 

Job Spotlight will be available to all EzHire Plans.

How much is it? 

EzHire Plans will include a specific number of Job Spotlights with the ability to purchase additional Job Spotlights as an Add-On.


Contact your Sales Representative for additional information.