Using the API User Permission

API Users can connect 3rd party apps within the EzHire Ecosystem

Setting up an API User in EzHire Cannabis is a simple process that is done via the My Team section of your account. 

1) Once you have navigated to My Team select Invite.

2) Note the ROLES section and the API User toggle. If selected the user will be granted the ability to provision 3rd Party applications to connect with your EzHire account. 

Best Practices

1) Only provide API User access to trusted users in your account that require this permission. Not all users will require API User access.

2) IMPORTANT: Ensure the users with EzHire Email matches the email utilized by the 3rd Party Application they will be attempting to integrate.  

example: if a users EzHire email is, their email address in the corresponding application (i.e. Greenhouse) must also be for the connection to be made.